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Showing posts from 2015

Sign in with Phone Number using Digits

Today we are going to implement "Sign in with Phone Number" using Digits. I'm using Android Studio for development. So first we need to download and install Fabric plugin. Go to  and create account. After that you need to download Fabric plugin. Once you download and install plugin, you will see Fabric plugin icon in Android Studio. 1. Now create a sample project with one activity. 2. Click on that Fabric plugin button and you will see login page. 3. Enter username and password and login to Fabric.It will detect if any of it's kit installed in project or not.  4. Then click on install button of Digits Kit. Apply the changes in your project. After that it will add some data to your project as well as in AndroidManifest. That's it you are successfully integrate Digits kit in your Android project. Here is the activity_main.xml < LinearLayout xmlns:android= "